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Valentine?s Day: 7 Sweet Ideas for Him

Beer Tasting for Two at your local brewery. If your other half is an avid connoisseur of different local beers, a trip to the brewery is in order. If it just so happens that your man is always the one to order the same beer, going to the brewery may broaden his horizons, as he will be more open to trying other things. Ordering a flight is a quick way to have a good time and introduce your company...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Cigars & The Geniuses Who Smoked Them

What Does It Mean To Be A Genius? Are you genius if you smoke cigars? Not necessarily. There are intelligent people, however, who may argue against that statement. In order to understand the question a little bit better, let's take a look at what it means to be a genius. Pause for a second and really ask yourself what you think it means to be a genius. Once you have done that, think of some peo...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

2016 Got You Down? Enter 2017 With a Premium Cigar

Let?s be honest, 2016 wasn?t the greatest. Thankfully however, New Years Day is right around the corner and it couldn?t be a more perfect time to light up your smoke. A box of our premium custom cigars can compliment your New Year?s Party like nothing else. A New Year?s party usually has one main staple: Champagne. What most people don?t know, is that a glass of bubbly mixed with a premium s...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

What You Missed During the 2017 Men's Golf U.S. Open

What You Missed... Nothing goes hand in hand more than golf and cigars. Smoke a cigar at home while watching golf or light up a cigar on the course; either way, you?re in for a relaxing event. Hopefully this past weekend was filled with lots of both of the two considering the major golf event on television, the men?s U.S. Open. It was a close match until the last few holes on the final day. Br...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

New Music: Summer 2017

This Summer has been one of the hottest ones yet. Perhaps it's the sun beating down, or maybe, it's just a hot summer. So if you've been going to the beach to get your vitamin d, diving into a cool swimming, or even spending the day in with the AC blasting, here are some new albums with big hits that will add a little extra to your summer days. Lana Del Rey: Lust For Life Lana?s new, sexy al...

Posted On: 05/09/2018