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4 Ways to Enjoy the Outdoors in LA This Summer

Amidst the day-to-day monotony of a drive home from work in LA traffic, it?s easy to, well, you know ? hate your life. Part, if not most of the despondency that overwhelms our elongated drives home comes from the degree of loneliness and claustrophobia these rides conduce. But as unfair as these circumstances may seem, show no indignation. For those feelings you have in your car amidst bumper-t...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Outdoor Activities for When It's Cold Af

Some people look forward to cozying under blankets on the couch during the winter months but for those who enjoy the great outdoors, the winter months can be a pain. Here are some tips to keep the outdoorsy people satisfied.   Exercise: Go for a light run or jog around your neighborhood or do an outdoor workout. Exercising outside rather than in a gym will enhance your workout more than you ...

Posted On: 05/09/2018