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The Science of Cigar-Drink Pairings

Whether it is a scotch, whiskey, coffee, or even a Dr. Pepper, it is customary to pair your cigar with a drink. ?Your beverage of choice, whatever it may be, is crucial to bringing out certain desired flavors from your cigar. There are four main identifiable tastes: sweet, sour, salty, and bitter. ?These tastes can vary greatly depending on what they are paired with because the different tastes...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

How to Host Smokers

Don?t follow the crowd Smoking cigars is an intimate activity: Not everyone has to know each other, but make sure not to invite more than 8 or 9 guests. Liquid Courage.? Make sure to have whiskey, scotch and/or beer readily available.? Got any snacks? ?Although not necessary, a few crackers and cheese are always welcomed and embraced by smokers. Tunage.? Music is key. Make sure to stick t...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

50th Birthday Party Ideas: Throw Dad the Best Birthday He's Ever Had

It?s your dad?s 50th birthday party and you don't know what to get him. You decide that for all of the grief you?ve given him over the years, all the times he bailed you out of difficult situations (or jail), you?re going to throw him the ultimate birthday bash. Where to start? Here are some ideas that should set that 50th birthday party in motion. Food?- Start with the essentials and go fr...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Cigar and Tequila Pairings: Cinco De Mayo Edition

Although Cinco de Mayo is not widely celebrated in Mexico, the holiday has become a popular commemoration of Mexican culture and history in America for both Mexican-Americans and non-Mexican-Americans. If you are going to be celebrating this Cinco de Mayo, you should at least know a little bit of history behind the holiday. Many people wrongly assume that Cinco de Mayo celebrates Mexico's ...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Coffee Pairings: Because We All Need to Be More Caffeinated

Coffee is nature's gift to mankind. If you're like me, you think it's the greatest product in the world. In fact, a recent study from the Wellness Health Organization revealed that regular coffee consumption can actually prevent specific cancers. However, if it's TOO hot (above 160 degrees Fahrenheit) it can cause esophageal cancer. That's okay because cold brews are better, anyway. But what do...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

These Puns are a Gift to Mankind

Puns are one of the greatest gifts to man. Yes, that statement is completely serious. Some puns rely on words that look or sound similar. Others use a word that is spelled one way but has multiple meanings. There are puns that involve rhyming words, taking on some traits of poetry. But no matter what kind of magical wordplay they invoke, all puns are wonderful. They are like a holiday to be celebr...

Posted On: 05/09/2018