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History of the Cigar: From the Mayans to Now

The Complete History of the Cigar The Cigar. A tightly rolled wrap that consists of both fermented and dried tobacco leaf, which comes in various shapes and sizes. The cigar is an elegant and old-fashioned celebratory item that has been smoked since 1492. The history of the cigar is rich and detailed, and features many different accounts of what really happened. Overall, the?various differentiati...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Covfefe Hashtag: 5 Things You Can Brand With the Typo to #NeverForget

#covfefe was one of many things that came from President Trump's Twitter account to quickly go viral. While Trump was clearly trying to type the word, "conferences," his typo was trending before his PR team could fix the mistake. Whatever side you're on, covfefe is now an important word from Donald Trump's presidency. In order to remember it forever, here are 5 things you can personalize with the ...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Spain's Best Kept Tradition: San Fermin and the Running of the Bulls

You?ve heard of it, guaranteed: San Fermin and the Running of the Bulls. You?ve seen five-second gifs or short YouTube videos depicting madness and nonsense; participants, clothed in white outfits and red scarves, evading the likes of six provoked bulls each day. Chaos, in a word. Unadulterated, completely celebrated, you-may-not-believe-it-but-entirely-legal-and-intended chaos. So, would you d...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Father's Day and Custom Cigars

Father?s Day is about celebrating and expressing your appreciation for that special one in your life, your dad. Previously, you have gifted him with a new watch. The year before, a neat striped button down. Maybe even a couple of weeks ago, a bottle of wine from that vineyard he has never even heard of before. So every time a new occasion pops up, you get a little flustered and wonder ?what do...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

45th Anniversary of "The Godfather"

The Reunion 2017 marks the 45th anniversary of one of cinema?s most memorable films, The Godfather. In fact, just a couple of weeks ago the director, Francis Ford Coppola, and the star-studded cast reunited at the Tribeca Film Festival in New York to celebrate the film?s release back in 1972. Those in attendance included Al Pacino, Robert DeNiro, Robert Duvall, Diane Keaton, Talia Shire, and Ja...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

5 Most Memorable Cigar Smokers in TV/Film

Cigar smokers have been a part of film and television since their inception. Cigars themselves are often important props that help the audience form a better idea of who a character may be. Cosmo Kramer An occasional cigar smoker, but notorious nonetheless, Cosmo Kramer, comes in at number 5 on this short list of smokers. Possibly the most memorable ?Seinfeld? scene of him enjoying a cigar ends ...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

The Perfect Graduation Gift: What's The Best Gift For The Grad In Your Life?

Graduation Day Graduation day is thrilling. It can be nerve wracking and exciting. Over the weekend, the UC schools had their graduation ceremonies. The UC Santa Cruz ceremony was nice, well put together, and best of all short. There is nothing more annoying than a graduation ceremony that is drawn out longer than it needs to be. At the graduation ceremony, family and friends were giving their...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Cuba Relations in the Wake of Trump's Policies

Trump has been active and vocal of his dislike for Obama's policies throughout his campaign and presidency. So it's no surprise that he's "canceling" Obama's deal with Cuba. He announced this plan in Miami's Little Havana district on Friday, June 16. Citing Cuba's violations of human rights as the reason for this, he no longer wants to support the Cuban government in any way. His goal with this ne...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Smoking in the City of Angels

With city ordinances placing a lot of restrictions on smoking in public places, cigar aficionados need to be kept up to date about all of Los Angeles?s hidden gems. The Los Angeles Fire Department provides enforcement of the California Labor Code 6404.5. This bans smoking in places of employment with the exception of tobacco shops and private residences. Because places are changing their polic...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Coffee Pairings: Because We All Need to Be More Caffeinated

Coffee is nature's gift to mankind. If you're like me, you think it's the greatest product in the world. In fact, a recent study from the Wellness Health Organization revealed that regular coffee consumption can actually prevent specific cancers. However, if it's TOO hot (above 160 degrees Fahrenheit) it can cause esophageal cancer. That's okay because cold brews are better, anyway. But what do...

Posted On: 05/09/2018