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How to be a Mob Boss

Maybe you?ve seen The Godfather and The Sopranos one too many times, but you?ve decide, you?re finally going to do it ? you?re going to become a mob boss. Now of course, becoming a mob boss isn?t easy; it?s going to be a journey. People don?t call them the boss for nothing. If you really want to instill fear in the throngs of people under your rule, you need to know how to wield that kind of power...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

How to Make Your Company Stand Out

Most businesses put a substantial amount of time into marketing their brand to increase sales and revenue. ?In an economy where there is strict competition coming from every direction, businesses must be able to strategically position themselves in the marketplace to stand out. A personalized cigar is the perfect way to represent your company, as you get to choose the exact image it gives off.?...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

How to Stop Over-Humification

Can my custom tobacco cigars be over-humified? If so, what can I do to prevent it? The sad reality is that yes, your luxurious custom cigars can be over-humified. While too much moisture can ruin the savory taste of tobacco, there are two sides to every coin ? over-humified cigars CAN be saved. How so? Cedar strips. Leave a few cedar strips in your humidor. Place two at the bottom, one in th...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

How to Break In a New Humidor

The humidor is almost as important as your luxury custom tobacco cigar. If you just bought a humidor, don?t put your cigars in right away. You can ruin your tobacco! Humidors need to be broken in to simulate the moisture in the air of the tropical countries in which these cigars are made. Here?s how to break in your humidor: 1. Grab a brand new sponge. Make sure it is unscented or does not have...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

How to Blow Smoke Rings

Have you ever seen those suave smokers that casually exhale smoke rings out of their mouths? Have you ever wanted to learn how to do it? Have you ever wanted to be one-of-those smooth smokers, impressing everyone around them? Well, now you can! I?ll teach you how to do it. 1. The first item you need is smoke. But not just any smoke. The thicker and denser the smoke, the better. Custom tobacco c...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Back to Basics: How to Smoke a Cigar Like a Master

If you think that all you have to do to ooze out an air of class while smoking a cigar is inhale (which should not be done) and exhale, don?t even think about going near a cigar before reading this! Cigar smoking is definitely a culture in itself, and in order to appear Al Pacino-like, you must know how to cut a cigar, light it and of course, smoke it. When investing in a cigar, either from ...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

How to Get the Girl of Your Dreams

How to Get the Girl of Your Dreams If you?re a fully functioning human male, you?ve probably gone through heartbreak at some point in your life. Whether it?s at the bar or in kindergarten, building up the courage to talk to that dream girl seems next to impossible. And when you do actually shoot her that awkward hello, she nervously smiles and dashes off into the distance, leaving you permanent...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

How to Choose the Best Cigar

When you?re looking to buy a cigar, you?re going to want to look for a really good one. However, this is pretty subjective. Everyone has a different taste for quality, and there are so many different types of cigars. One does not simply purchase an amateur cigar; that?s just embarrassing. Let me fill you in on some cigar basics and you can choose which one would fit you best. Cheers. First, y...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

How to Throw the Perfect Cigar Party

What?s better than a night with your two favorite things: your buddies and cigars.? A cigar party is a great way to relax with your friends, enjoy smoking fine quality cigars, and at the same time stay within an affordable budget. Hosting a successful party depends on having a great theme, and a cigar themed party is one that everyone can enjoy.? Some of the great things of having cigars as the...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

How To Do Right By Your Boyfriend

Sweet aromas reminisce the smell of his grandfather, his man cave, and all that?is classy to him. It is your significant other?s birthday, and you're haunted by last year when you were gorged with disappointment and shame from the look of disappointment for another failed gift given. However, this year is different, because you have bestowed upon him a gift he is?proud to advertise: a customize...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

How to Craft a Coolidor

Want to take your hobby to greater heights? Make a ?Coolidor,? a humidor made out of a cooler. It takes about half the time of smoking a really good cigar (a.k.a. 30 minutes.)? Given a cooler?s airtight seal and humidity lock, it is perfect for holding your next batch of stogies. If you were to have a humidor the size of a cooler, you?d be out $500, but the average cooler only costs about $...

Posted On: 05/09/2018