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How to Blow Smoke Rings

Have you ever seen those suave smokers that casually exhale smoke rings out of their mouths? Have you ever wanted to learn how to do it? Have you ever wanted to be one-of-those smooth smokers, impressing everyone around them? Well, now you can! I?ll teach you how to do it. 1. The first item you need is smoke. But not just any smoke. The thicker and denser the smoke, the better. Custom tobacco c...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Thanksgiving: A Brief History

?N[o] citizen of the United States should refrain from turkey on Thanksgiving Day.? ? Alexander Hamilton As the leaves change color this Fall, everyone?s attention turns to Halloween and the frenzied activities it brings, but once we?ve all binged on our candy and worn our best costumes, it?s time for a break. Thanksgiving didn?t originate as the perfect time to unwind and reconnect with family...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Father-Son Bonding with Custom Cigars this Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving. It?s that time of the year again! The leaves are turning maple red and olive brown; the chilly wind is rusting the antique bell chimes on house doors; and the sweet scent of freshly roasted turkey is wafting through the air. Just imagine biting into the first piece of succulent turkey, topped with luscious purple-red cranberry sauce, sided with some steaming mashed potatoes and gr...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Six Ways to Bring Cigars Into Your Thanksgiving Festivities

For some, Thanksgiving is a break from work, a four day vacation and a reason to let loose from the daily working life. For others it can be all about Football. The Cowboys and Lions keeping up with tradition and hosting their annual Thanksgiving Day game. However, most of us are celebrate Thanksgiving with friends and family while we gather around the table and give thanks and feast on our delici...

Posted On: 05/09/2018