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5 Major League Baseball Players Who Smoked Cigars

Just as some of Major League Baseball?s finest have incorporated chewing tobacco into their daily routines, so have they smoked cigars. Here are five of Major League Baseball?s most talented athletes ? men who have spent their entire lives crushing the baseball ? who never shied away from enjoying a quality stogie. Lou Gehrig With an incredibly impressive baseball resume, Lou Gehrig captured...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Tobacco and Cigars: 10 Facts You Probably Didn't Already Know

When it comes to tobacco and cigars, there tends to be a lot of misconceptions about them. Here are 10 fun facts you probably don't already know about cigars. 1. Retired professional basketball player, Michael Jordan, smokes cigars. 2. Cigars probably did not originate in Cuba, but Guatemala. 3. People have been smoking cigars for over a thousand years! A Mayan pot that archaeologists d...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Cigars and Politics: How Cigars Could Fight Terrorism

Current Events You're a smart individual. Obviously you're smart because you're reading this article. Surely you've remained up to date with all of the news circulating. You've probably read about the bombing in Manchester and the meeting between former President Obama and Prince Harry, which shortly followed the bombing. So what do cigars have to do with this? You may have already known t...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

A Clich? Gift For Your Clich? Father: Unique Father's Day Gifts

Father's Day It's that time of the year again. Time to celebrate Father's Day. We all know that fathers come in different shapes and sizes. There are tall dads, short dads, skinny dads, fat dads, and we love them all the same. Different types of dads, however, means different types of gifts to buy. One size does not fit all. With all the Father's Day gift options most people get overwhelmed, w...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Father's Day and Custom Cigars

Father?s Day is about celebrating and expressing your appreciation for that special one in your life, your dad. Previously, you have gifted him with a new watch. The year before, a neat striped button down. Maybe even a couple of weeks ago, a bottle of wine from that vineyard he has never even heard of before. So every time a new occasion pops up, you get a little flustered and wonder ?what do...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Commuting Sucks, But Only Because You're Doing It Wrong

Why Commuting Sucks You know what commuting is like. It sucks! You can't honestly say that you would rather commute for 1-2 hours a day, or longer, instead of walking or riding your bike a couples of blocks down to the office. If everyone could have that luxury, then why would they opt to do otherwise? Maybe some people do like to commute, but who really likes dealing with bad drivers, heavy...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

The Perfect Graduation Gift: What's The Best Gift For The Grad In Your Life?

Graduation Day Graduation day is thrilling. It can be nerve wracking and exciting. Over the weekend, the UC schools had their graduation ceremonies. The UC Santa Cruz ceremony was nice, well put together, and best of all short. There is nothing more annoying than a graduation ceremony that is drawn out longer than it needs to be. At the graduation ceremony, family and friends were giving their...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Cuba Relations in the Wake of Trump's Policies

Trump has been active and vocal of his dislike for Obama's policies throughout his campaign and presidency. So it's no surprise that he's "canceling" Obama's deal with Cuba. He announced this plan in Miami's Little Havana district on Friday, June 16. Citing Cuba's violations of human rights as the reason for this, he no longer wants to support the Cuban government in any way. His goal with this ne...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

The Top Three Guitarists And Smoking

Guitarists Custom Tobacco published an article about the geniuses who advocate tobacco consumption. In that article, a couple of musicians were listed as avid tobacco consumers. Read this article to find out who the top three guitarists are, and how their music was enhanced with the use of tobacco smoke. How To Determine The Best Guitarists When you look at music, you have to consider multipl...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Date Night For The Romantic Lovers: Lovers And Cigars Pt. 1

Date Night Every serious couple needs a date night. A weekly or biweekly date night will allow a couple to catch up, talk through new ideas together, and connect on a level that is necessary for all relationships. You're probably in a hurry to put together a romantic date night for that special lady in your life. ? Read this short article and then show your lady a good night. Little Wing T...

Posted On: 05/09/2018