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Love of Evil: Villains that Fans Adore and Revile

Is there a holiday or event coming up soon for you? Actually, even if it?s not soon, maybe you?re the sort of person who likes to think ahead anyway. That kind of conscientiousness is riveting! Perhaps you?re thinking toward a birthday, a wedding, an anniversary, or really any kind of party. Need to find presents to give to your father, brother, sister, friend, or anyone special in your life? T...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

The Perfect Day As A Veloz Group Intern

The Perfect Beginning Imagine the perfect day. You wake up a few minutes before you first alarm, but you're not angry because you're well rested for the first time in a long time. The sun just begins to seem through the window, shining down on you. The birds sing and everything just feels right. You even wake up with a smile on your face. You jump out of bed and start brewing a pot of coffee. ...

Posted On: 05/09/2018

Thanksgiving: A Brief History

?N[o] citizen of the United States should refrain from turkey on Thanksgiving Day.? ? Alexander Hamilton As the leaves change color this Fall, everyone?s attention turns to Halloween and the frenzied activities it brings, but once we?ve all binged on our candy and worn our best costumes, it?s time for a break. Thanksgiving didn?t originate as the perfect time to unwind and reconnect with family...

Posted On: 05/09/2018