When people think of cigars they think: wealth, class, social gatherings. However, no one thinks of the hundreds of other practical uses for cigars. The promotion of cigars for everyday use other than smoking needs to be elevated so people can become aware of the numerous benefits that they can bring to everyday life. The masses need and will be educated. Here is a list of some of the uses for cigars.
Door Stopper
Cigars can hold open doors of all types and sizes such as, wood, metal, large or small. The only detail that should be thought out before buying a cigar to use as a door stopper is the thickness of the cigar. Doors hang at different heights from the floor. For a door that hangs high up from the floor you will need a cigar with significant thickness so it can wedge underneath the door holding it open. For those doors that swing just above the floor you will need a skinny cigar and if you need it even skinnier you can always flatten one end out, fitting it snuggly under the door.
Rather than spending a handful of money on an overpriced candle you could buy a cigar or two. Depending on your preferred scent, a cigar will give you a natural, rich aroma that is sure to fill up any room you light it in. The smell of the cigar will also linger longer than any candle you can purchase. Instead of buying a tobacco scented candle opt for an authentic, less expensive option of buying a cigar.
Business Card
Make a statement that will burn your name in the mind of anyone that receives your business card. Be the first to use a cigar, not a boring piece of paper. Luckily?
customtobacco.com allows you to customize your cigar band. So, throw your name and phone number on a band of your choosing, design it to your liking, and select the type of cigar to place it on. Your one of a kind business card is sure to bring you the success you seek.
Papier M?ch?
This obscure use is for kids! What better way to bring the family together than arts and crafts? All that is required are a few cigars and a homemade glue concoction. Unwrap the cigars you purchased removing the tobacco inside, dip the wraps in the glue, and papier m?ch? away.
These are only a few of the numerous applications for cigars. You can still smoke them, but do not be ignorant to their versatility. It is only a matter of time until the masses catch on and cigars are utilized for everyday things. Get ahead of the game.