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Cigar Lounge

Custom Tobaco

Cigars And Their Size: How Important Is the Size of Your Cigar?

Cigars, Cigar size, variety, Custom, Tobacco, gifts, holidays

Does?It Really Matter?

Although most guys don't like to hear it, size really does matter. When it comes to cigars, size says a lot about your personality. Depending on the length and ring size of your cigar, it?can really put your personality on display. So, you're probably thinking, "what is the best cigar for me?" There are many different types of cigars, and?many?different cigar sizes that you can choose from. Before you make this crucial decision, determine which size fits you the best.

The Churchill Cigars

The longest cigar Custom Tobacco has to offer, this cigar speaks to the leisurely smoker. Perfect for those long, relaxing smokes, this cigar says that you enjoy life and take out time to smell the roses...or the cigar blend.

The Robusto Cigars

Significantly shorter than the Churchill cigar, what it lacks in size the Robusto cigar makes up for in strength. This cigar smoker would be equivalent to the espresso drinker. Coffee is great, but it doesn't give you that extra buzz that espresso gives you. This cigar smoker is the energetic, assertive type that likes to find time in their busy schedule to enjoy a smoke. It's also a great birthday or anniversary gift for the busy, but laid back father or husband in your life.

The Torpedo Cigars

The extra length that the Torpedo cigar has over the Robusto cigar exhibits that this smoker has a little more time to spare. Time equals money, and money equals leisure. Given its ring size which averages at 52, the Torpedo cigar smoker is also as assertive as the Robusto cigar smoker. The tapered mouth, however, indicates that you are more reserved and tight-lipped, projecting a much calmer demeanor.

The Petit Corona Cigars

This cigar takes up very little space which means that the person who smokes this cigar appreciates minimalism. Smoking this cigar shows that you strive to be concise with your ideas. Your to-the-point approach to every situation ensures timely success in your future endeavors.

cigars, cigar size, custom, tobacco, smoke, smoking, father's day, holiday, anniversary

The Double Toro Cigars

This cigar is for the patient smoker. If you smoke the Double Toro cigar, then others will get the impression that you like to take your time. Since you've paid close enough attention to the details of your cigar, which is evident if you smoke the Double Toro cigar, then you also must pay close attention to the details in other aspects of your life. This cigar also provides cigar connoisseurs with the largest ring size Custom Tobacco has to offer. With a massive ring size of 60, the Double Toro cigar indicates that you have a large-and-in-charge personality, taking the lead in any situation.

The Toro Cigars

Comparable in length to the Double Toro cigar consumer, the Toro cigar consumer also exhibits a take-charge attitude. The slight decrease in ring size, however, 54 as opposed to 60, shows that you can easily humble yourself from a leadership position to a team member position. You can take orders as well as you can give them. This display of your versatility?can prove to be advantageous as this is an attractive, and very rare quality to have.

The Esplendido Cigars

The Esplendido cigar can last up to an hour and a half. Like the Churchill cigar smoker, you too enjoy taking time out of your hectic life to stop and relax. However, the time it takes to smoke the Esplendido cigar can indicate that your patience has far exceeded normalcy, and has graduated to an ominous level. The level of patience required to smoke this cigar displays your ability to calculate your next move, your teammate's next move, and your opponent's next move. This cigar is only for those who have reached boss level.

The Presidente Cigars

The final cigar size that Custom Tobacco has to offer is the Presidente Cigar. If you thought the Esplendido cigar was too much to handle, then you aren't ready for the Presidente. You have to be a boss in order to handle the Esplendido, but you must reach the level of master before enjoying the Presidente. Handling this massive monster of a cigar means that you cannot only calculate your opponent's next move, but your self-confidence allows you to be one step ahead of your opponent, with a plan B maneuver already in the works. If you smoke this, you're a game changer. Cigars, customize, Custom, Tobacco, cigar size, smoke, smoking, smokers, gift, holidays, father's day, anniversary Now that you have read this article, consider yourself educated on the connection between cigar size and personality type. When you purchase your cigars from Custom Tobacco, you'll know which cigar gives off which impression about your personality. Does size really matter? Yes it does. Don't try to take on the biggest and the baddest until you're ready. A seasoned cigar smoker will see right through you, and the cigar will always expose that you don't know what you're doing. Choose your size, blend, and band wisely, place your order with Custom Tobacco here, and enjoy your cool, perfectly customized cigar.