2012 - The End
Take a short trip in your mind back five years to 2012. Remember what everyone was talking about that year? It definitely wasn't the Kardashians, nor Black Chyna making Rob look like a buster. Nope. People were talking about the end of the world. Some of the world's brightest minds predicted that the world would end on 12/21/12.
When 12/22/12 came around, people woke up thinking about how those bright minds were wrong. Oh well. It's now 2017 and the world is still in tact...sort of. Remember all of the signs and predictions?

The Holy Bible
Despite your religion, the Holy Bible describes the end of days in great detail. it is said that man will love themselves and place themselves and their quest to find pleasure before God. Many people seem to be full of themselves. People seek fame, wealth, and pleasure, setting aside very little time for God.
The Bible also states that the world will experience perilous times. There is a great deal of famine, riots, and uprisings happening in the world. And, the way the U.S. is being run, a third world war only seems inevitable.
Note, there is no judgment in this article. Who and/or what you worship is your own decision. Regardless of one's religious beliefs, the Holy Bible describes the end of days. Of course, the Bible does not give the only account of the end.

The Mayan Calendar
In 2012, the world was freaking out. People were especially worried about the end of the world occurring around that time because the Mayan Calendar ends on 12/21/12. The Mayan calendar depicts time as cylindrical rather than linear. There must be a specific number of days that occur before the calendar can begin another cycle.
The fact that the Mayan calendar
didn't?continue past 12/21/12 had many folks scared beyond reason. Surprisingly, however, there wasn't a great deal of panic which could have led to rioting and looting. In the five years since 2012, the Mayan calendar has been in use by many Mayan civilizations.

There was also buzz surrounding Nostradamus' predictions. Nostradamus was a French Astrologer and Physician. He published a collection of major predictions about the world titled "Les Prophesies". This collection included predictions of natural disasters and terrorist attacks. The collection also included the end of the world.
Nostradamus' story is interesting. How can someone claim to know when all of these events will take place? His story is too long for this article, but perhaps there will be an article on Nostradamus at a later date. There is one thing, however, that you may find odd about his predictions.
Nostradamus predicted that the world would end in the year 3797. Question; why were people saying that he predicted that the world would end in 2012? Maybe people were attempting to disprove his prophecies.
So, when will the world end? It definitely wasn't 2012. Maybe the last day will be in the year 3797. If it is in the year 3797, then anyone reading this will most likely be living another life by that time, so for now, don't trip.
What if the end of the world is coming sooner than predicted, though? Are you prepared? How would you prepare? If you look at the film "Knowing," you'll see that there
really is no way to prepare.
Here's what you should do. Since you're on your computer right now, you should follow these steps. Go to?
https://www.beverlyhillschairs.com?and order a comfortable Herman Miller Fully Loaded Aeron or Mirra chair, then go to?https://www.customtobacco.com?and order you some customized cigars.
Once your orders are delivered to your humble abode, lean back in your nice, new, comfortable office chair, kick your feet up on your desk, and light that cigar. Face it, there's no escaping the end of the world. there's also no way of predicting it, so you might as well prepare for the inevitable by going out in style.