Mojito Rum, Vanilla Macademia, Cr?me Brulee, Mocha Latte, Cherry Jubilee.? This isn?t a list of ice cream flavors.? This is a list of only a few of the many flavors of cigars.
Popularity of flavored cigars has soared in the past few years, especially with those under the age of 35. Sales of cigars has increased from 6 to 13 billion in the last few years, with flavored cigars as a large, driving factor in this change.
For many veteran cigar smokers, flavored cigars don?t even take a moment of their consideration.? They dismiss them as low quality, not for ?real? cigar smokers.? But, the bar of quality has been raised!? Flavored cigars have been improved to have longer lasting, deeper flavors that a cigar aficionado of any level of experience can enjoy.
Flavored cigars have a huge appeal for a reason! Smoking a flavored cigar can be a great experience, as the flavors can mask the harshness and taste of tobacco, making smoking more palatable.? Many adults especially like products with unique flavors, like flavored coffees and vodkas.? Flavored cigars are coming into the mix as a new, popular force in flavored products.
Whether it?s a purchase for yourself or a gift, customizable options for flavored cigars add a whole new level to their appeal.? By designing a band and customizing the flavor and wrapper for the cigar, you can ensure a personalized, enjoyable experience for you or the person receiving the gift, or even both if you?re willing to share! Custom cigars offer a way to get the flavor you love, with a cigar made just how you like it.
Before you just dismiss flavored cigars altogether, why not give it a try! The definition of ?flavored? is different than what it used to be, and you may be impressed at how far it?s come.