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10% off your first order
Free concierge design service :
(424) 226-8612
Despite the opinions of many expert cigar aficionados and rollers who say that the quality of Cuban cigars has waned over the years, people still crave those forbidden stogies. Regardless of individual opinions on the quality of Cubans ? because, let?s be honest, an opinion is an opinion for a reason ? we have been getting a lot of questions over the last several months from our customers and friends regarding Cuban cigars laws. With President Obama?s move to restore diplomatic relations with Cuba, everyone wants to know if and when we?ll start selling these.
We know you can?t wait to slap a custom cigar band onto that Cuban, but you may have to hold your horses. We?re here to set the record straight on the new Cuban cigar laws in the U.S. Here?s the deal:
Under the new laws (as of January 2015), people visiting Cuba can reenter the U.S. with up to $400 of personal goods purchased, only $100 of which could be on alcohol and tobacco. In addition to the $100 limit (because we wall know that won?t get us very many cigars), the keyword here is personal good. The word personal is important here because it means that it?s still illegal to purchase (and sell) Cuban tobacco online or from a third-party country ? meaning, not only can you NOT buy Cuban cigars online, but you also can?t buy Cuban cigars in Canada (for example) and bring them back to the U.S.
We do believe that the progress of restoring diplomatic ties with Cuba will eventually result in free trade so that we can legally buy and sell Cuban cigars. However, for the time being, if you want to smoke a Cuban, go to Cuba! And bring back $100 worth?
*If you want to customize a Cuban-style cigar, try our Briarmont Reserve. Grown in Nicaragua with a Cuban seed, this cigar has been deemed ?the best Cuban cigar not made in Cuba.? We promise it will not disappoint! And we may even convert you!