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(424) 226-8612
Let?s face it: if a woman loves to smoke cigars, she obviously has good taste. Many women turn away from cigars because they see it as a nasty habit. But cigar babes know that cigars require a much more refined taste. They appreciate the different tastes and smells that come from cigars. If she can pick out the different tastes in a cigar, she?s a keeper.
And she?s obviously open-minded. There are so many women who are not tolerant at all of smoking, but this woman decided to go against the crowd and see for herself what cigar smoking is actually like. She?s not afraid to be unconventional. She?s a risk taker.?
You may have heard that opposites attract, but the real deal is that similar interests bring people together. If you find a woman who smokes cigars, you?ll only hear her complain that you were smoking without her. This woman will easily fit into your circle and will have no problem lighting up a stogie with the best of them. She knows how to get wild.
But of course, just because she knows how to kick back in jeans and a t-shirt, doesn?t mean she doesn?t know how to class it up. When you see the same woman all done up in an evening dress with a cigar as her accessory, you won?t be able to stop the drool.
So what are you waiting for? Go find yourself a cigar woman. And if you really want to impress, ask her out with a custom cigar. She?ll be all yours.